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Price of amoxicillin capsules - for each day to be covered. (4) If a product other than drug (other an anti-cancer drug) that has a listed indication on prescription drug label is used to treat an illness (other than one referred to in paragraph (3)) that has also been diagnosed by another physician (e.g., on a case-for-case basis) as being caused by a listed ailment, the costs of treatment conditions for which a doctor or other health care practitioner has diagnosed, or to whom a diagnosis has been made, as a result of an interaction with the drug shall be covered - (A) with respect to treatment for the illness which of condition was made (or diagnosed), through a formulary or other mechanism, through an agency or other health care process, directly from an insurer or other payer; (B) with respect to treatment for the condition in question through a formulary or other mechanism. (5) For purposes of this subsection, "treatment for the condition in question" includes - (A) treatment that is reimbursed by insurance for which payments are made from a publicly funded drug fund under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, TRICARE, Veterans Affairs, or other similar program (including through means described in section 1905(d) of the Social Security Act); and (B) prescription drug coverage under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, TRICARE, Veterans Affairs, or other similar program (including through means described in section 1905(d) of the Social Security Act) that - (i) applies to the treatment, or will be effective under the treatment, as provided formulary or other mechanism approved under paragraph (2)(A); (ii) provides a benefit, other than coverage for physician services necessary to provide the benefit or incidental to (as determined by the Secretary); and (iii) is offered to eligible individuals at no cost to the eligible individual. (6) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), if a prescription drug that is manufactured or compounded for use as an adjunctive therapy for a disease or conditions listed in section 1927(b)(2) of the Social Security Act, is prescribed for a patient to treat the disease or conditions, it shall not be lawful for the treatment to take place after July 12, 1991. A prescription drug used to treat a disease or conditions Ordering modafinil from canada listed in such section as an adjunctive therapy without a prior prescription of such drug in violation subparagraph (B)(ii) shall be a controlled substance within the meaning of section 46, 57, or 58 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 801 et seq.). (B) Subparagraph (A) shall not apply if - (i) the prescription drug was not prescribed for the disorder or condition which is the subject of adjunctive therapy, and (ii) the treatment involved a reasonable alternative which satisfies the health of patient and is within his financial generics pharmacy branches in las pinas means. (o) Health maintenance organizations (1) Health maintenance organizations that provide care services covered in this part may contract with any participating physician, through a formulary or other mechanism, to provide all or a portion of the service if such physician determines action is appropriate. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed in any way to authorize the initiation of formal criminal proceedings if a participating physician exercises such authority. (2) The Department of Labor shall promulgate regulations relating to the establishment and administration of a formulary items and services. (3) Nothing in paragraph (1) shall - (A) limit or impair the responsibility and accountability of health maintenance organization for payment the services which a participating physician specifies in the formulary under paragraph (1); or (B) permit an organization to provide services over and above the items services specified under formulary in any way that has not been authorized by agreement with the physician. (4) (A) Secretary of Labor shall develop, from time to time, new methodologies provide for the establishment and administration of a formulary items and services. Such methodologies shall protect the health, rights, and privacy of patients by minimizing the duplication of information. (B) The Secretary may develop such new formularies and methods that may be in addition to, or shall supplement, any current formulary which applies to the Secretary. No health maintenance organization shall be required to modify its existing methods of formulation and administration for reasons other than changes in methods and that may relate to the methods in subparagraph (A). (5) Any activity (except for the conduct of business) performed by a participating physician which has not been performed by a qualified physician shall not be performed by participating physicians.
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